She Loves Me…

Here today in French France, Charlotte dictated that it should be her duty to clean the bathroom.  Now before everyone gets keyboard-warrior-like with me over this and, in an attempt to amadouer* those who say a bathroom should only contain a bath, ‘it’s in the title’ etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah, our bathroom notContinue reading “She Loves Me…”

Gone Native…

As I staggered down this morning to flick the switch on the kettle for the early brew of hot lemon, I caught ‘the look’ from Ruby, deep within her hiding place under the stairs as her gimlet eyes glinted up at me while winter’s dawn broke far across the distant hillside and the rising sunContinue reading “Gone Native…”

To repurpose, or not, that is the question…

Yes, your veritable howls of derision were heard this far south in French France when I casually displayed my penchant for repurposing items that were no longer of use. On arrival here last December, one of my first tasks was to remove from the wall in the Gatehouse an offending cooker extractor hood that wouldContinue reading “To repurpose, or not, that is the question…”