She Loves Me…

Here today in French France, Charlotte dictated that it should be her duty to clean the bathroom.  Now before everyone gets keyboard-warrior-like with me over this and, in an attempt to amadouer* those who say a bathroom should only contain a bath, ‘it’s in the title’ etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah, our bathroom notContinue reading “She Loves Me…”

“Nurse, The Screens…!”

I’ve had my stomach pumped out. I know that might come as a shock, but it’s true. I’m sure you are now assessing this information and drawing your own conclusions involving an overdose of alcohol consumption here in French France, or my having taken copious quantities of painkillers for my lower back, but fear not,Continue reading ““Nurse, The Screens…!””

Being Labelled

A few chapters ago you may recall to mind in the blog entitled Isolation, the topic of my working life’s symmetry; how my office now is a mirrored reflection of where it all started. For this next chapter in Life’s Rich Tapestry, we gravitate from our present situation of Isolation, Retreat, Social Distancing and YogaContinue reading “Being Labelled”